Park User Feedback and Complaints Procedure

Park User Feedback and Complaints Procedure

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The Crystal Palace Park Trust is committed to managing any park user complaints, effectively, efficiently and fairly through a formal process. Comments and feedback are important to us and help us to improve the services delivered to everyone who visits the park. We encourage anyone to comment on their experience, whether positive or negative, and we will respond in a professional, consistent, accurate and honest way.


How to make a complaint:

If you wish to make a complaint or comment then the best way is to email the Trust on  You can also telephone the Trust on 0208 050 7120 and speak to an Administrator. 

If you make a formal complaint, please provide all relevant information to help us deal with the issue as quickly as possible. We will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within ten working days and will endeavour to provide a full response within twenty working days, unless we need further information from you. 

Many of the events in the park are organised and delivered by our commercial partners. If your complaint refers to any of their events, then we will make sure that your complaint is directed to the right organisation and if necessary, we will take steps to ensure that they respond to you directly. 

We will, however, be able to handle any complaint you make against the Trust’s direct contractors. 

We aim to: 

• Address the needs and requirements of all park users through the provision of relevant, comprehensive, and up-to-date information 

• Operate at all times to the highest professional standards; aiming for impartiality, confidentiality, reliability, promptness, and value for money 

• Always treat people with courtesy and respect, and in a professional manner 

These standards demonstrate our commitment to best practice procedures and will be continuously reviewed. 

How to make a complaint:

If you wish to make a complaint or comment then the best way is to email the Trust on  You can also telephone the Trust on 0208 050 7120 and speak to an Administrator. 

If you make a formal complaint, please provide all relevant information to help us deal with the issue as quickly as possible. We will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within ten working days and will endeavour to provide a full response within twenty working days, unless we need further information from you. 

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint and the response you receive, you can ask for your complaint to be passed onto the Chair of Trustees for a review.

Your personal information:

The Crystal Palace Park Trust will keep all complaints confidential. However, a record is kept of all complaints, with information being passed on to relevant managers and contractors to help us continually improve our performance. 

Equal opportunities:

The Crystal Palace Park Trust is committed to equal opportunities and inclusivity. We take any complaint about discrimination extremely seriously. Any complaints of this nature are used to inform and review the Trust’s policies and procedures. 

Health and Safety:

If you become aware of any serious Health and Safety risks in the park, please do report these to the Trust on the contact details above. 

We collect data on accidents in the park regardless of the cause. 


How to make a complaint:

If you wish to make a complaint or comment then the best way is to email the Trust on  You can also telephone the Trust on 0208 050 7120 and speak to an Administrator. 

If you make a formal complaint, please provide all relevant information to help us deal with the issue as quickly as possible. We will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within ten working days and will endeavour to provide a full response within twenty working days, unless we need further information from you.