Meet the team

Meet the team

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The Trust is governed by a volunteer board of 10 trustees and managed by a small team of staff. The Trustees are all local people, selected for their special skills as a result of open competition, who provide their time and expertise without remuneration.


The Trust board meets every two months. All Trustees receive induction training, annual training by our charity solicitors, Russell Cooke, and other specialist courses.

We have a Finance Sub-Committee, chaired by Lynsey Luthra, which also meets every two months, and deals with finance, audit, risk, governance and compliance. We also benefit from the help and advice a number of local experts and advisers: Communications Working Group led by Richard Smith, Events Working Group led by Alison Couchman, and Heritage, Ecology and Landscape Working Group led by Gemma Woodfall. The Trust is deeply indebted to all our volunteers for the time they give to the organisation.
